Association des propriétaires du lac Gagnon

Eurasian Watermilfoil - Gagnon Lake

As far as we know there is no Eurasian Watermilfoil in our lake. However, its presence was observed in many other lakes around us. Because if that, we must remain extremly careful in our prevention efforts in order to prevent its spread. Those efforts are big, but nothing to compare to the efforts that would be required to fight it if it appears in the lake, plus the costs in money and the lost of value of our properties.

Social and economical impacts

A lake infected by the Eurasian Watermilfoil impact economically the tourism, wholesales and real estates sectors.

  • Fishing, nautical and swimming activites are impossible where the plant is implemented.
  • Real estate impacts; loss of value of the cottages.


What is Eurasian Watermilfoil and how to identify it

How to idenitify Eurasian Watermilfoil

Can you recognize the Eurasian Watermilfoil? (French only)


L'escouade des sentinelles

There are 35 vonunteers that inspects the shores of the lake Gagnon to detect the presence of the Eurasian Watermilfoil. It is a program where each volunteer is trained on the identification of the plant and an area is allocated to him. Contact us if you would like to help.

Méthodes pour prévenir l'introduction et la propagation d'espèces exotiques envahissantes

Site du gouvernement du Québec (French only)

Press articles

(15 juillet 2022) Outaouais research project

Outaouais research project to study impacts of invasive aquatic plant

(June 22nd 2022) An article about the thread from Eurasian Watermilfoil.

Ramer fort contre l'envahisseur aquatique (French only).

(10 August 2020) An article about the thread from Eurasian Watermilfoil.

Un été inquiétant pour la lutte au myriophylle. (French only)

A research and a map of more than 800 lakes in Quebec. Our lake has a good score, it is tagged as oligotroph, which is a young lake, clear, deep and poor in nutrients like phosphor. It has few vegetal and has a good oxygenation. It is in the category "to protect". It is on us to do it. Zoom in the map, it is not all the lakes that are as good quality as ours.

Les pires lacs du Québec: le lac près de chez vous est-il dans un état préoccupant? (French only)

(June 10 2020) An excellent article from the newspaper Le Droit about the fight against the Eurasian Watermilfoil. The article mention the APLG as an initiator of the project.

Une escouade de sentinelles sur les lacs de Duhamel pour détecter le myriophylle à épi. (French only)