

East side in front of Robillard bay, looking North, May 9th 2018
Pointe-à-Baptiste, May 8th 2018 Near Pointe-à-Baptiste, May 8th 2018
East side in front of Robillard bay, looking North, May 5th 2018 Pointe-à-Baptiste, looking West, May 7th 2018
In front of Ernest river, vue vers le South-West, May 5th 2018 In front of Ernest river, looking North-West, May 5th 2018
North of the lake, looking South, May 3rd 2018 North of the lake, looking North, May 3rd 2018
Pointe-à-Baptiste, May 1st 2018 Pointe-à-Baptiste, May 1st 2018
Pointe-à-Baptiste, May 1st 2018 Islands bay, April 30th 2018
Near public wharf, looking North, April 25 2018 Near public wharf, looking to Bourgeois Bay, April 25 2018
Free of ice on May 1st

Bay of Isles, looking South, April 28, 2016 Centre of the lake, April 28, 2016
West side, looking South, April 28, 2016 Centre of the lake , looking South, April 28, 2016
Bay Robillard, centre, April 28, 2016 Bay Robillard, from the end, April 28, 2016
Public wharf, April 28, 2016 Bay Robillard, entrance, April 28, 2016
Bay of Isles from marina Poliquin, April 28, 2016 South-West sector, East side, April 28, 2016
North end, North of the islands, April 27, 2016 South-West sector, East side, April 27, 2016
South-West sector, West side, April 27, 2016 Bay of Isles from marina Poliquin, April 27, 2016
Beach at the South end, April 26, 2016
Beach at the South end, April 26, 2016
Centre of the lake from camping Poliquin, April 26, 2016 Bay of Isles, East side, April 26, 2016
South-West sector, from the West side, April 24, 2016
 Bay of Isles from marina Poliquin, April 25, 2016
South-West sector, from camping Poliquin, April 24, 2016
Marina Poliquin, April 24, 2016
South-West sector, April 23, 2016
Centre, from ch. du lac Gagnon Ouest, April 23, 2016

North of Bay Robillard, from Moby Dick, April 23, 2016
Bay of Isles, from ch. du Huard, April 23, 2016
Camping Poliquin, April 23, 2016
Centre of the lake, from camping Poliquin, April 23, 2016
South-West part of the lake, looking North, April 19, 2016
Bay of Isles, from Marina Poliquin, April 23, 2016
Bay Robillard, mouth of the Ernest River, April 17, 2016
North end of the lake, from ch. du Castor, April 17, 2016
Centre of the lake, looking South, April 17, 2016
Public wharf, April 17, 2016

Bay of Isles, from Pointe-à-Batiste, April 17, 2016
West side from the road, April 17, 2016

Poliquin Campground, April 14, 2016
Bay of Isles, April 15, 2016
Bay of Isles, from Marina Poliquin, April 10, 2016
West side of the lake, April 10, 2016
North end of the lake, April 5, 2016
North end of the lake, April 5, 2016

Free of ice on May 1st

From Pointe-à-Baptiste looking north, May 1st, 2015
From the West side looking East, April 30, 2015
From Pointe-à-Baptiste looking north, April 29, 2015
From the West side looking East, April 30, 2015
Centre of Lac Gagnon, April 27, 2015
Centre of Lac Gagnon, April 27, 2015
Centre of the lake from camping Poliquin, April 25, 2015
Northern section of the lake, April 26, 2015
Centre of Lac Gagnon, April 24, 2015
Centre of Lac Gagnon, April 24, 2015
South-West sector, looking West, April 21, 2015
Ducks are back (A couple of Mallard)
Marina Poliquin, April 24, 2015

Poliquin Campground, April 18, 2015
South-West sector, looking at the Centre , April 18, 2015

Bay of Isles, April 17, 2015
Bay of Isles, from Marina Poliquin, April 17, 2015

Poliquin Campground, April 15, 2015
Bay of Isles, from Marina Poliquin, April 15, 2015

Ch. du Huard, from Marina Poliquin, April 11, 2015
Bay of Isles, from Marina Poliquin, April 11, 2015

South-West sector, looking West, April 11, 2015
South-West sector, looking at the Centre, April 11, 2015

Free of ice on May 3

Centre of the lake, looking North, May 2, 2014
Bay of Isles , May 2, 2014

Centre of the lake, looking North, May 1st, 2014
Centre of the lake, West side, May 1st, 2014

Centre of the lake, looking South, May 1st, 2014
Marina Poliquin, May 1st, 2014

Bay of Isles, April 30, 2014
Marina Poliquin, April 30, 2014

Bay of Isles, April 28, 2014
Petite-Nation River, April 28, 2014

Centre of the lake, April 28, 2014
Marina Poliquin, April 28, 2014

From the camping Poliquin, April 28, 2014
Centre of the lake, from Pointe-à-Baptiste, April 28, 2014

Public wharf, April 26, 2014
Centre, from ch. du lac Gagnon ouest, April 26, 2014

North end of the lake, April 24, 2014
North end of the lake, April 15, 2014

From the West side, looking North, April 23, 2014
North of the lake, looking South, April 24, 2014

From the West side, looking South, April 23, 2014
North of the lake, looking South, April 20, 2014

Northern section of the lake, looking West, April 12, 2014
North of the lake, looking South, April 12, 2014

Free of ice on April 27

Baie des Îles, April 27, 2013
Baie des Îles, April 27, 2013

North of the lake, looking West, April 26, 2013
Opening day of the fishing season
Centre of the lake, looking South, April 26, 2013

East side, ch. du Cap, looking north, April 26, 2013
East side, ch. du Cap, looking West, April 26, 2013

East side, ch. du Cap , looking South-West, April 26, 2013
East side, ch. du Cap, looking West, April 26, 2013

East side, at centre, looking South-West, April 26, 2013
East side, looking North, April 26, 2013

West side, at the centre, from the road, April 13,2013
Centre of Lac Gagnon, looking South, April 13, 2013

Beach at camping Poliquin, April 11, 2013
From camping Poliquin looking North, April 11, 2012

Free of ice on April 9

From ch. du Soleil, looking North, April 8, 2012, 11:30 am From ch. du Soleil, looking North, April 8, 2012, 4:00 pm
From ch. du Soleil, looking South-West April 7, 2012, 3:15 pm Beach at the South end, April 7, 2012, 10:15 am
From ch. du Soleil, looking South April 6, 2012, 3:50 pm From ch. du Soleil., looking North, April 6, 2012, 3:50 pm
Beach at the South end, April 6, 2012, 8:20 am Bay of Isles, looking West, April 5, 2012, 10:10 am
Bay of Isles, looking North, April 4, 2012, 10:30 am Bay of Isles, looking West, April 4, 2012, 4:00 pm
Bay of Isles, looking North, April 3, 2012, 9:30 am Bay of Isles, looking West, April 3, 2012, 9:30 am
From the North end, looking South, April 2, 2012 From the North end, April 2, 2012
Bay of Isles, looking North, April 2, 2012, 9:30 am Bay of Isles, looking West, April 2, 2012, 9:30 am
 Bay of Isles, March 31, 2012, looking North, 10 am   Bay of Isles, March 31, 2012, looking North, 10 am
Bay of Isles, March 31, 2012, looking West, 9:30 am Bay of Isles, March 31, 2012, looking North, 9:30 am
From the North end, looking South, March 31, 2012, 10 am
From the North end, looking South, March 31, 2012, 10 am
Centre of the lake, looking South, March 29, 2012, 3:40 pm
The ducks are back.
West side, looking South, March 30, 2012
From the North end, looking South, March 27, 2012 Bay of Isles, March 27, 2012
From ch. du Cap, looking South-West, March 26, 2012 West side, looking North, March 23, 2012
South West, looking West, March 23, 2012, morning Bay of Isles, looking East, March 23, 2012
Bay of Isles, looking East, March 23, 2012 Centre of the lake, looking East, March 23, 2012
West side, looking North, March 23, 2012
Centre of the lake, looking South, March 23, 2012

Centre of the lake, looking South, March 23, 2012
Bay of Isles, looking North, March 20, 2012
Public wharf, looking North, March 20, 2012 South West, looking West, March 20, 2012

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